Website Credits
“Maitri, karuna, mudita, upekshanam, sukha, dukha, punya, apunya, vishayanam, bhavanatash citta prasadanam.”
—Yoga Sutra of Patanjali I.33
IYNAUS thanks those who generously contributed their time and efforts to the creation of our website. Together we work to cultivate and further the art, science and philosophy of yoga.
Adeline Yoga Studio
Victoria Austin
Maria Basualdo
Jennifer Beaumont
Cindy Berliner
Amita Bhagat
Skyler Christensen
Christopher Germano
Gloria Goldberg
Rose Goldblatt
Don Gura
Chuck Han
Christopher Havener
Heather Haxo-Phillips
Brian Hogencamp
Iyengar Yoga Champaign Urbana
Dean Lerner
William McKee
Chris Miyachi
Octavia Morgan
Neon One
Jaki Nett
Julie Petersen
Rosie Richardson
Phyllis Rollins
Rosa Santana
Chris Saudek
David Slack
Kelly Sobanski
Ella Sophie
Unity Woods
Lisa Waas
Patricia Walden
Joan White

[…] the last 18 months, IYNAUS volunteers have been working diligently, redesigning your association website and updating our databases to […]