Assessor in Training (AIT) Program

Prospective AITs Must:

  1. Be an IYNAUS member in good standing, be currently teaching, and be acting as a mentor or teacher educator.
  2. Have held a Level 3 or higher certificate for at least three years.
  3. Have mentored two students who have passed their Level 1 assessment.
  4. Meet all the qualifications for assessors (see below).

How to Apply

Prospective AITs can apply via a google form available from the assessment chair, Applicants must have recommendations from two current assessors. The assessment chair will send the applicant and their recommending teachers the application forms to complete.

Prospective AITs should know that acceptance to the program is not automatic.

Considerations for Recommending a Candidate to be an AIT

Teaching experience, ongoing professional development, participation in IYNAUS committees or events, attendance at IYNAUS conventions, ability to work in committees, and attendance at RIMYI (in person or online) should be considered when recommending a candidate. They must be flexible-minded, be able to work in a team setting, and have good communication skills.

The AIT Program

AITs will attend one training with the AIT Committee and one assessment with assessor panels that do not include their recommending teachers. AITs must be present at all events and deliberations of the assessment, where they will practice scoring candidates. They may be asked to participate in discussions at the discretion of the assessors. The AIT’s scoring carries no weight at an assessment, but it allows them to become familiar with the scoring system and to compare their evaluation of the candidates with those of other assessors. The individual assessors and AIT will be invited to fill out an evaluation webform immediately following the assessment.

For in-person assessments, the AIT’s expenses for travel, accommodation, and food while at an assessment will be covered by IYNAUS. Expenses not covered include childcare, pet sitting/boarding, or entertainment expenses.

After the AIT has observed an assessment, the IYNAUS Assessment Committee will review the AIT’s evaluation forms and either write a letter of acceptance, recommend further study as an AIT, or recommend withdrawal from the program.

What a Graduate AIT is qualified to do

Completing the AIT program will qualify the AIT to assess Level 1 assessments. Graduates must meet all the qualifications of an assessor as outlined below before they are assigned to their first assessment.

All Assessors Must:

  1. Be strong and healthy enough to contribute effectively during the long assessment weekends. Congenial assessor team behavior and graciousness towards Zoom hosts, volunteer students, host venues, and homes are imperative.
  2. Be currently teaching.
  3. Be a member of IYNAUS and a CIYT in good standing. (See below for certification level requirements.)
  4. Be currently acting as a mentor or teacher educator or have mentees.
  5. Have held a Level 3 certificate for at least three years.
  6. Keep current with the teachings of Iyengar Yoga.
  7. Have the ability to easily navigate the essential functions of the Zoom platform.

Graduate AITs will be asked to commit to assessing for at least four consecutive years after completion of the AIT program.
