Certification Levels
Levels of Certification
There are five levels of teacher certification in Iyengar Yoga:
Level 1 (formerly Introductory 1, 2)
Level 2 (formerly Intermediate Junior 1, 2)
Level 3 (formerly Intermediate Junior 3 and Intermediate Senior 1, 2, 3)
Level 4 (Advanced Junior 1, 2, 3 and Advanced Senior 1, 2)
Level 5 (assessed by RIMYI in India)
Each level has its own syllabi and responsibilities. Please refer to the RIMYI Certification and Assessment Guidelines for a detailed description of the levels and what it entails to assess each level.
What is Certification?
The phrase “Iyengar Yoga” describes the method of practicing and teaching yoga that B.K.S Iyengar and his family developed. Teacher certification maintains, promotes, and protects this method's excellence for yoga practice and teaching.
Teachers certified by IYNAUS are educated and experienced in the method of yoga set forth by B.K.S. Iyengar. They have passed a thorough standardized assessment and maintain ongoing education, practice, and commitment to the Iyengar method. To be granted a certification credential, teachers must pass an assessment of standards in three categories: a demonstrated practice of āsanas and prāṇāyāmas, a written exam and demonstrated teaching skills.
The B.K.S. Iyengar Yoga National Association of the United States (IYNAUS) carries out Iyengar Yoga teachers' assessments in the United States. B.K.S. Iyengar developed all of the essential requirements for certification and rules governing certification and various certification levels. IYNAUS is responsible for the administrative aspects of the Assessment Process in the United States. RIMYI in India provides certificates of assessment.
As of August 14, 2007, the name “IYENGAR” associated with “YOGA” was registered as a trademark and is protected in the United States to ensure that yoga associated with the Iyengar name reflects the work of B.K.S. Iyengar.