Spotlighting Level 3 CIYTs – Freedom in Body, Quietness in Mind, Peacefulness in Heart with Claire Carroll

Aug 10, 2024 11:00AM—12:30PM



Cost Free to members, donations welcomed



IYNAUS is delighted to present Spotlighting Level 3 CIYTs.

IYNAUS scheduled a day each month to spotlight one Level 3 CIYT, offering them an opportunity to contribute their time and teach a one-and-a-half-hour class.

August 10, 11:00 a.m. EDT – Freedom in Body, Quietness in Mind, Peacefulness in Heart with Claire Carroll.

Guruji’s teaching, “Asana done from the brain makes one heavy and from the heart makes one light,” will guide our practice of a wide range of asanas. Our focus will be on employing a calm, focused, and intuitive approach to linking fundamental asanas to more advanced ones.

About Claire:
I began practicing Iyengar Yoga in the early 1990s when I moved to the Boston area. I was immediately captivated by the method’s orderly progression and integration of philosophy into postural practice. ​I’ve been a certified Iyengar teacher since 2001 and hold a Level 3 teaching certificate. I’ve studied at the Iyengar Institute in Pune, India, five times. Many teachers, friends, and colleagues have contributed to my education, but none more than my dear mentor, Patricia Walden. In my classes I encourage a lighthearted and supportive learning environment. I enjoy weaving together physical and philosophical themes. I move the class along at a brisk pace to keep the group energized and allow quiet moments for participants to absorb the feel and intent of each asana. I love to surprise students with unexpected sequences. In addition to posture-based classes and workshops on yoga’s history and philosophy, I’ve taught undergraduate courses on yoga theory and culture at Lesley University in Cambridge, MA. I relocated to México City in 2023.

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Member Price
Free to members as a member benefit. Donations appreciated.

Non-member Price 
$108 This price includes access to all twelve classes in the series and an IYNAUS membership.
$30 for a single class for non-members

IYNAUS will send the class recording to all registered participants as soon as possible.
Recordings will be posted on the member benefits page one month after the live event. These classes and recordings count as Continuing Education hours – all twelve classes equal 18 C.E. hours.