Guruji’s 105th Birthday Celebration – Roundtable
Dec 02, 2023 1:00PM—3:00PM
Cost Offered by donation
Categories IYNAUS
Topics Member Benefit

IYNAUS Continuing Education Committee is excited to announce a month-long celebration of what would have been the 105th birthday of Guruji, B.K.S. Iyengar. Guruji left a significant body of work on yoga, much of which lives on through his writings and widely available recordings of his teachings. What is often missing is the teachings he imparted on a more personal level.
This year’s events will begin on Dec. 2 at 1:00 pm EST with a Round Table Conversation of Teachers who studied with Guruji. Teachers will share memories of the wisdom they received inside and outside the practice hall, which still infuses their teachings. Wisdom gleaned from casual conversations in the library at RIMYI, during shared meals, and in all the moments that bridged the formal teachings will be shared. We hope you’ll join Kristin Chirhart, Gloria Goldberg, Rebecca and Dean Lerner, James Murphy, Lois Steinberg, Patricia Walden, Joan White, and others who learned directly from Guruji for this unique opportunity.
In celebration of Guruji’s legacy, IYNAUS will showcase clips of Guruji’s teaching from the “Silver Jubilee” 25th anniversary event at RIMYI. The release dates will be noon EDT on Dec. 2, 9, and 16.